Quantum: Improving Geospatial Information Workflows

Enabling Fast Capture, Shared Access, and Cost-Effective Archives with StorNext

Increases in the amount of geospatial data, rapid advances in sensor technologies, and advances in the software used to process geospatial data all add up to tremendous opportunities in the geospatial arena. But these technology advances also introduce storage and archive challenges as researchers, scientists, humanitarians, and those who protect our environment and safeguard human life all struggle to capture, share, and preserve the
growing influx of geospatial data. Geospatial data comes in many forms from sources on land, at sea, in the air, or in space; including satellite, full-motion video (FMV) from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), mapping data, aerial imagery, optical, radar, and infrared sensor data, GPS data—the list goes on. And more than ever before in history, agencies and departments are sharing geospatial data that used to be the sole provenance of intelligence communities. Advances in sensor and satellite technologies are increasing the amount of raw data that needs to be preserved—which leads to a need for a high-performance, scalable storage solution that is also cost effective.


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