Keeper Technology offers comprehensive health check services to assess the performance, reliability, and overall health of your storage infrastructure. Our health check services include the following key aspects:

System Evaluation

  • Thorough evaluation of storage environment components (hardware, software, configurations, network connectivity)

  • Assessment of system architecture, performance metrics, and identification of potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement

Performance Analysis

  • Analysis of storage environment performance metrics (throughput, latency, IOPS, capacity utilization)

  • Identification of areas for performance optimization to enhance efficiency and responsiveness of your storage system

Capacity Planning

  • Assessment of your storage capacity and future requirements

  • Consideration of data growth rate, retention policies, and business needs

  • Recommendations for capacity planning to ensure adequate storage resources for present and future demands

Data Protection Assessment

  • Assessment of your data protection mechanisms (backup strategies, disaster recovery plans, data replication)

  • Evaluation of effectiveness and reliability of these processes

  • Identification of vulnerabilities and recommendations for enhancing data protection

Best Practices Review

  • Comparison of your storage environment against industry best practices and standards

  • Review of configurations, security measures, data management practices

  • Alignment with recommended guidelines for optimized performance, security, and compliance

Reporting and Recommendations

  • Provision of a detailed report with findings, insights, and recommendations

  • Suggestions for adjustments, hardware/software upgrades, configuration changes, or process optimizations

By leveraging our expertise and in-depth knowledge, Keeper Technology’s health check services provide a comprehensive evaluation of your storage environment. The benefits include:

  • Identifying potential issues and areas for improvement

  • Optimizing performance and responsiveness

  • Ensuring data protection and alignment with best practices and industry standards


Let us help you with your access, manage, store, and protect your needs.